Ads on Facebook Reels

Earn money when you create great Reels by including ads.

See Requirements


Create high quality, original Reels content

Be over 18

Be a creator using Pages or Professional Mode

Pass and remain compliant with Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies and Content Monetization Policies

You must be invited to the program

Keep your reels front and center while earning money. Ads on Facebook Reels integrate seamlessly into your reels, and you’ll get paid based on the performance of your reels while entertaining your fans.

grayscale line drawing of a painter's palette

Earn with reels

Ads on Facebook Reels offer you a sustainable way to earn money from your reels with no extra effort. Focus on creating great reels and get paid based on performance.

grayscale line drawing of three people with hearts above their heads

Onboarding, simplified with Professional Mode

All creators who meet eligiblity requirements can benefit from Ads on Facebook Reels by switching to Professional Mode prior to onboarding.

grayscale line drawing of a line graph showing growth

Gain insights

Access to Ads on Facebook Reels insights through Professional Mode for profiles to track how Reels are performing and tailor your content strategy.

Create great reels

Earn money from reels views by making great reels – follow these tips to create strong reels:

Show what you love

Be simple, authentic and fun

Spark inspiration

Create original content for your fans on Facebook

Learn more about Reels.

More ways to earn

Check out more tools you can use to earn money on Meta's platforms

FAQs about Ads on Facebook Reels

Read more about Reels
