Evolving and Expanding Ads on Reels

9 de maio de 2023

Today, we’re updating and expanding our Ads on Reels test, making it possible for more creators to earn money for their engaging reels. Learn more about how to get access and start earning.

Last year, we began testing Ads on Facebook Reels as a way for creators to earn money for creating and sharing engaging public reels. We're accelerating expansion, inviting thousands more creators to join our updated tests, including many of the creators who previously participated in our Reels Play bonus program on Facebook. And in the coming weeks, we’ll begin testing a similar program on Instagram.

We’re also evolving the program, testing a new payout model that pays creators based on the performance of their public reels, not the earnings of ads on their reels. This means creators can focus on creating engaging content while we optimize the ad experience for advertisers and people.

How to Earn

Initially, payouts in the test will be determined by the number of plays. The better their reels perform, the more creators can earn. Over time we may begin to incorporate other signals into payouts.

We're learning through our tests that payouts tied to performance are better at balancing the needs of everyone. Many variables outside of creators’ control have traditionally influenced their ad earnings, such as how many ads have already been shown to the person viewing their content or whether there’s a relevant ad to deliver that viewer. With a performance-based model, creators can focus on the content that's resonating with their audiences and helping them grow; advertisers get access to more ad inventory to reach more people; and people get a more consistent viewing experience with more relevant ads.

All creators onboarding to the test will automatically be added to the new payout model, and over the coming weeks creators previously testing Ads on Facebook Reels will be transitioned. In addition, we’ll begin to test Ads on Instagram Reels with a similar performance-based payout model among a small group of creators and advertisers in select markets.

We also plan to start testing a performance-based payout model for In-Stream ads on Facebook with a small group of creators. While Reels continues to grow quickly on both Facebook and Instagram, creators come to our platforms to share all types of video and we want to support creators making all types of content. To learn more about In-Stream ads and its recently updated eligibility requirements, visit here.

How to Participate

To be eligible for an invite on Facebook, creators must live in one of 52 countries and meet several minimum requirements. Eligible creators previously part of our Reels Play bonus program on Facebook may receive an invite over the coming weeks if they haven’t already.

Once added to the test, in order to earn from Ads on Reels, creators must complete the onboarding process which includes accepting the terms of use and providing payout details. From there, they just need to continue creating engaging Reels to earn.

To check if you’re part of this initial program on Facebook, visit Professional Dashboard and go to the Monetization Tools section. If you are invited, you should see "Ads on Reels" and you can select “Set up” to begin onboarding.

Monetization tools screenshots

Many Ways to Earn

We’re still early in our work with Ads on Reels, and we’ll continue to monitor these tests closely as we work toward the best solution for creators, advertisers and our apps broadly.

Ads on Reels is just one of our many monetization tools that empower creators of all sizes and stages to earn steady streams of income on Facebook and Instagram. Eligible creators can also earn from the support of fans through Subscriptions, Stars and Gifting, from brand partnerships via our creator marketplace and from Facebook through in-stream ads and our Performance Bonus program. To learn more, check eligibility and start earning, visit FB for Creators and Instagram for Creators.

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