Expand your opportunities to earn

Make money doing what you love

Earn from Facebook

Success looks different for every creator. Facebook offers creators the freedom to monetize videos, reels, photos and text posts. Leverage our products and best practices to find the pathway that works best for you. You can check your eligibility for each program in your Professional dashboard.

For both In-stream ads and Ads on Facebook Reels, you are paid out based on your performance. This is a simpler, more rewarding way to earn from your content than the previous revenue-share payout model. It allows you to make money regardless of whether an ad was shown as it focuses on the amount of views and engagement the content drives. This means you no longer need to focus on optimizing for specific video lengths determined by ads and can spend your time making content your audience loves. Remember, however, that you must continue to meet eligibility requirements as well as existing monetization policies.

Earn from Fans

Fund your creator journey with fan support. Check out two different ways to earn money from your followers.

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